How to do Absentee Voting in KC 2020

Absentee Voting at Union Station

2020 has been crazy. It is crazy everywhere but especially in the United States. Things are changing rapidly and we cannot be ignorant to live our normal life any more.

The election date is approaching. Hope everyone who is reading this blog has been registered. This year, Jackson county is providing very voter friendly voting site for the residents. I personally believe Absentee Voting in person is the best option we have to vote, and would like to share our experience here. You can just walk in with your ID, say your reason, then vote in person. That is it.

My husband and I went for voting at Union Station utilizing Absentee Voting system. Due to COVID-19, you are qualified for one of the 7 reasons of absentee voting. If you work or out of town on the election date, or you are scared of being in crowded place due to the potential exposure of COVID, you can do absentee voting in person.

The state of Missouri allows for absentee voting if you:

  • Will be absent from your voting jurisdiction on Election Day
  • Are incapacitated or confined due to illness or physical disability, or caring for an incapacitated person*
  • Are restricted by religious belief or practice
  • Are employed by an election authority
  • Are incarcerated, but have retained all your voting qualification
  • Are a participant in the Missouri SAFE at home program
  • *I have contracted or am in an at-risk category for contracting or transmitting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, pursuant to Section 115.277.6 RSMo. (available for the remainder of 2020 elections only) 

Starting tomorrow, October 13th, Kansas City is expanding the absentee voting locations until the 30th. We went to Union Station on October 9th and there was no line, though they were prepared for social distancing. Here is the map that shows where you need to go inside the Union Station or check out the photos at the bottom of this blog.

As you know, the presidential election is not only about selecting a presidential candidate. Prepare yourself for the ballots before you go to help yourself and others for a smooth operations. You can check all the sample ballots from here. (Also vote ‘NO’ on No.3. That is a question that is trying to trick you)

Once you get to the voting location, we were only asked to show them an ID and the reason for absentee voting. That was it! We were given a paper to insert to the voting machine to start voting. After you voted, the machine will print out all your answers. You double check it and walk to the voting box/insert machine. It is just like how you do it on the election date, but you can do this earlier safely.

Here are some photos of how to get to the voting location inside of Union Station. You don’t need any application or being notarized. You can go vote in person! Go Vote Kansas City!


Photo from Chiefs Official Website Photo Gallery



プレイオフの最初のゲームではヒューストン・テキサンズと闘い、24対0のスコアから一気に逆転劇を見せ、強い攻撃力を見せつけたチーフス。今年のチーフスは日本の高校野球を見ているような気分にさせてくれます。それはみんなが本気で1試合1試合を勝ちにきている熱意が伝わるからです。普段アメフトのゲームを見ていると、チームプレイよりも個人の技量を見せつけるプレイヤーが多いように感じられる時があります。自分の功績をあげたプレイで、続きのプレイのことよりも自分のプレイの余韻に浸るようなパフォーマンスが見られることが多い中、今年のチーフスは物凄くチームの勝ちにこだわり、次のプレイに集中しているシーンが多く見られます。特にMahomes(15)とTravis Kelce(87)の集中力は目を見張ります。プレイを物凄く楽しみながら、そしてファンを声援をチームの力に変えてプレイする様が彼のプロ意識を感じさせてくれ、つい応援したくなります。

Photo from Chiefs Official Website Photo Gallery


以前のブログにも書いたように、カンザスシティ・チーフスのファンはそのスタジアムの不利な形状を苦にせず、声援のデシベル数でのギネス記録を持っています。アメフトは相手の攻撃の際に声をあげてコミュニケーションの邪魔をする、というファンにしかできない攻撃があります。逆に自分のチームの時には静かにする、というのがマナーです。チーフスのファンは本当に温かいなと思います。来週のスーパーボウルが本当に楽しみにで仕方ありません。 Go Chiefs!